Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Its never just a simple boy girl relationship anymore

In the past it used to be so simple. Boy meets girl, Girl meet boys, fall in love and then your trapped in a 40 -50 yr marriage where society dictates how you are supposed to live. But now it is a whole different game. We teenagers like play something called "the game" or in lamens terms, the mind game. How to play? you make the other person think that you do not want them, when the truth is that you really do (ouu shocker), and to amp  up this game you add other players known as the temps, the people that you use to make the other person jealous and think "OMG he/she doesn't need me BUT! I still want them". This game has progressed soo much over the years that it almost appears as a second nature too most, so that they do not even realize they play, and those people are known as the MVPS. Sadly the only way to finish the game is to either win or lose, BUT winning really never happens in this game, only occasionally. Losing on the other hand is the easier track, brought on by confusion, lack of commitment, complete success in the jealousy round so much so that the victim actually calls the bluff and MOVES ON!, or the most common way to lose, your finally admit defeat and you give up the game and you give in to the other person. GAME ON!!!!

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